What does an Industry professional want to see in a Model´s Portfolio?
In Summary:
The best advice that anyone can give to a beginner model is:
Learn to recognise and appreciate a good photograph.
If only a small percentage of models actually knew what a good photograph was supposed to look like, there would be a swelling of the ranks of trainspotters and stamp collectors overnight as so called ¨photographers¨ flooded ebay with second hand photo gear, because they wouldn´t be able to get photo-savvy models in front of their cameras.
(This advice could equally apply to many present day picture buyers, magazine editors, and stock picture library curators, and possibly ninety percent of ¨photographers´ could also benefit from knowing what a good photograph looks like as well.)
In other words, research the real world industry, and not just the world of internet modelling, which although it seems very active will not get you very far if you are a determined, ambitious model.
Avoid trapping yourself in the amateur photo club style posing nights, and the meat market ¨theme¨ shoots: these may seem like a very good place to get experience, and an easy ¨ in ¨ to the industry when first starting out: however sadly the truth is that most of the particpants in this scene, including photographers, makeup artists and models, reach a certain level, and never advance any further ...even a cursory glance at the multitude of theme night photos on the internet will reveal a sameness of models, posing (or lack thereof), lighting, background and technique, and an overall low level of expertise and inspiration.
- And if you don´t believe me ask one of the many models who have come away disheartend from applying to real world model agencies, after being told that they do not want to see certain types of photos ( including many who REFUSE [the agents´ words] to look at anything to do with THEME SHOOTS),
- and possibly the most common comment these days according to agents I have spoken to :¨we can´t really tell if the model has any potential or not because the photos are ABSOLUTE GARBAGE! [again the words of agents...not mine]
Traditionally there was always one severe bar to real world modelling: if a girl had done ¨adult¨ work, of even the most mild kind, she would never be taken seriously as a model.
However now as the interent modelling phenomena and real world modelling increasingly diverge, a second barrier has become more evident.
Therefore if you are serious about modelling, even if you are just beginning on what can be a very varied and exciting career path,
- seek the advice of, and hang out with professionals involved in the industry, and work with like minded individuals: and do your utmost to avoid amateurs, fringe-dwellers, wannabes, pimps and svengalis...and beware: give a wide berth to the photographer who claims that his wonderful concept will be ¨great for your folio.¨
In other words: Appear professional from day one!
Be serious, dedicated and enthusiastic about your modelling and where you want it to take you: but above all if you want to succeed be genuine