Wednesday, February 7, 2024



One essential of any photoshoot is for the photographer to give clear, concise and meaningful direction to the model.

And for the model to take direction, and use their face and body effectively:

  • To interpret the photographer’s direction,

  • To strike the appropriate poses which imbues the resulting photographs with exactly what the photographer wants to capture,

  • Or in a truly creative collaboration, something even better than what he originally had in mind.

However, the sheer number of beginner models who relate stories about photographers whose “direction” consists of a barely audible “stand over there and do your model stuff” has to be experienced to be believed.

It is not the job of a photographer to teach a model how to ‘be a model’, but the idea of not discussing with the model what is required for the shoot, the concept behind the shoot, the desired results is as far from “creative collaboration” as one can get.

  • With the proliferation of ‘fauxpro’ photographers*, and “Instagram models”**, it comes as no surprise that models come into a studio and huddle as close to the backdrop as possible;

  • Contort their arms and legs into shy, awkward and uncomfortable “poses”;

  • Wonder why the photographer is not invading their space with a lens mere centimetres from their face.

  • Receive nothing more than ‘Hollywood cliché” directions such as “Yo Bootiful babe”, “give it to me, baby”, “dat’s great Dollface”, “Oh yeah, honey”

But the questions remain?

How does a beginner model know that she has stumbled across a useless ‘Fauxpro”, or worse still a “Guy with a Camera”***...and will never learn anything, and certainly not get anywhere as a model.

More importantly though: How does a beginner model learn the basics?

  • How to stand elegantly?

  • How to assume basic photogenic poses?

  • How to use her facial expressions, and her body movements to convey a mood?

  • Where to actually stand in a studio set, or in an outdoor location to help with getting the best photographs possible?

  • How to learn to use lighting, props, costume, hand movement and positions, hip and shoulder angles, to make her/himself appear at their best?

    (“Make sure you get my best side, Mr. DeMille” is what the Hollywood screen goddesses were reputed to have said)

  • Where to get sound, accurate, relevant and useful advice, especially if the only “models” you know are in the same predicament as you.

  • What kind of photographs are actually “great for my folio”****?…

    {you would actually be surprised to learn that what Fauxpros tell you, is actually totally wrong, notoriously supplying photos that are designed for no other reason than getting “likes” and gasps of “Awesome capture” on their own social media, and never taking the Industry Standard requirements of a model portfolio into consideration.}

I spent most of my photography career “mentoring” and “developing” beginner, and wannabe models, and unfortunately some very experienced models who had never learned the basics of modelling, and will happily continue to do so, if and when anyone asks…

But it is time to hand it over to the next generation:

I can think of no better model mentor than Ms Rachel Gallagher;


A former, very successful commercial model,

(note: I didn’t say “professional”… actual professionals don’t describe themselves that way; in fact it is a very obvious sign of an amateur, a pretender, a fauxpro to label themselves as “a pro”)

A highly respected teacher and tutor,

A widely read fashion writer,

And a very knowledgeable mentor of all things modelling!

I highly recommend her as the go-to girl on modelling basics, model requirements, styles, genres especially fashion, and not just for beginners: how to establish yourself in the very competitive world of modelling, and how to maintain yourself at the top of your game.

Do yourself a favour and check her out, follow her, and ask her questions (she is very friendly, approachable and always keen to assist those with a genuine interest in modelling):

Intagram: rachelg.img

In fact any beginner model who enquires with me about a photoshoot, or wanting modelling information

(from the NSW Central Coast, Australia, or nearby)

Who shows some knowledge of the vast array of quality info which Rachel has on offer,

Will receive a full beginner model photoshoot with me for free, including my renowned in person full instructions and direction for on camera modelling, and discussion and evaluation of what particular area of modelling you may be most suitable for.


* Fauxpro: usually a male, but increasingly a female who’s recently bought a camera and has instantly declared themselves a “ professional”, who runs their photography ‘business’ almost exclusively through Facebook, Instagram or worse still, Tiktok, charges ridiculous prices...often “$50 for fifteen minute folio shoot”, and whose finished photos are unsurprisingly inadequate and totally unfit for purpose.

**Instagram model: A girl notably listed on Instagram as a “Public Figure”, sporting fake tan, fake nails, botox fillers, ‘the works’, whose only experience of modelling is a phone selfie in the club restroom during a drunken night out: some of these girls pester photographers such as myself to photograph them professionally for free, and when they realise that it aint goin’ to ‘appen, desperately promise to “get naked, and do anything you want me to do (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)”

about as equally a blight on photography as the…

*** Guy with a Camera (GWC): A guy whose only hope of getting near an attractive girl is to buy a camera, and masquerade as a star maker, or a talent scout for model agencies, movie producers, etc, etc, generally repugnant, repulsive and easily recognised by cargo shorts, big bellies, and stringy, greasy ponytails….been around since the Great Flood, but unfortunately some naive young ladies still fall for their slime.

****Great for your Folio: A phrase bandied about on social media, and too often in real life, in amateur “photo studios”, in emails, and DMs, which invariably means inadequate, amateur snapshots that you can post on social media and get lots of likes, “awesome capture”, or “you should be a model” comments,

but as far too many naive young hopefuls have found, model agencies, legitimate photographers, and almost all industry professionals, down to the guy who sweeps out the studio will refuse to look at, and laugh at once you are out of earshot.


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Tuesday, February 6, 2024



Six years ago when I retired from the rather silly game of Photography, which had over a long career involved a deal of model photography, both fashion and “glamour”, I retired this and its companion blog, never thinking it would ever again be relevant.

But of late I am receiving notifications that the almost long forgotten and neglected blog is again being read, and by ever-increasing numbers, almost as popular as it was so many years ago.

A few model friends have been encouraging me to actually resurrect the blog as a whole, because it seems, that would-be models, and even those with a little experience are still being misled, and being fed, sometimes intentionally, misinformation about the path to a successful modelling career, especially how young wannabe models should ‘properly’ interact with photographers whose only wish is to make them a “star”.

So, at the insistence of several people I will be resurrecting this blog as health issues allow but in a slightly different form:

  • I will continue to write it from the standpoint of giving industry accurate, reliable and career tested advice to wannabe, and experienced models.

  • I will continue to fight the insidious and downright despicable and manipulative, misleading rubbish which has been peddled for decades by “guys with cameras”:

    designed to get naive and vulnerable girls with stars in their eyes “in front of their cameras”:

    “guys” who have absolutely no understanding of the modelling or the photography industry:

    have no contacts within the industry:

    or the ability or knowledge which in any way could help a would-be model establish themselves in the industry:

    providing totally wrong information:

    and photographs and “portfolios” which are so inept that no legitimate industry professional would consider looking at them:

    Which together usually, if not always, totally destroys a possible promising modelling career, long before it even begins.

  • I will not write reams of garbage just to please some kind of internet imposed “algorithm”, but each post will be well considered, relevant and hopefully useful to at least one reader.

I do feel a bit of a fraud however, writing about “model stuff” that I no longer actively practice, so although I am somewhat reluctant to do so, my model friends, and surprisingly a few other friends — both photographer and ‘civilian’ - as well have been keenly encouraging me to take up the camera as well as the word processor again.

So look forward to irregular blog posts about modelling, models, and model/photography relevant as well as model calls in the future.

Well it sure beats brain atrophy from staring in boredom at an increasingly irrelevant television, stuffing my cake-hole with potato chips.