Monday, November 30, 2015

10 Sure fire Ways for a model to end her career

One successful model who succeeded by making sure she follows the etiquette of modeling as well as she knows the techniques

It seems with the rise of the amateur and fauxpro world of 'tfp' photography, that just about any kind of behaviour is acceptable, and even condoned by the "modeling is fun and a few laughs” brigade, but once you aspire to professional modeling you will very quickly find that the “industry” you are so fond of telling all your mates you are part of, will definitely not accommodate or pander to the nonsense to which you may have become accustomed.

Photographers, Modeling agents, and other “Real” Industry Professionals, all seem to list surprisingly similar pet peeves about relative newcomers to the ranks of professional modeling.

The top ten sure fire ways to make a name for yourself as unreliable, unprofessional, or just a plain waste of space are as follows:

  1. Show how eager you are to be involved until all arrangements have been made, costumes have been measured, made and altered, props have been located and bought, and all other expenses have been paid, then cease all communication, and disappear never to be heard of until you picture appears somewhere taken by someone else on the same day.
  2. Write in your model profile: “I am signed with ‘such and such’ agency, but they allow me to find my own work”...although it appears everywhere these days, a professional will know just how ridiculous this statement actually is.
  3. Turn up to a shoot with a beefy, slimy bloke who claims to be your manager or agent...a professional will always welcome a chaperon especially for a first shoot with an unknown quantity, but narcissistic pimps will never be welcome anywhere.
  4. Turn up with mum, who continually runs on set to primp and preen your hair and makeup, and then wants to pose in the photo with you just for "fun"..."I used to be a model too y'know"
  5. Turn up to a shoot armed with your own contract and/or model release and not only expect, but demand that people sign you know so little about the industry that you believe internet forum “experts”?
  6. Declare loud and long that you won’t wear certain clothes provided, you won't work with so and so on the set, you will only pose standing, sitting or a certain way which you decide, you demand the lighting is rearranged to show your “best side”...Sorry Little Miss Nobody, but the Hollywood diva never even existed in Hollywood,
  7. You wont allow your tattoos to be covered with makeup, or you refuse to remove your piercings because they are “the real you”...even the rawest amateur model knows that modeling “aint about you”
  8. Turn up to a shoot with short green and purple hair when your folio shows you as a long haired blonde...there are penalties for false advertising, the least of which is being told to sling your hook.
  9. Turn up to a shoot, with a sun blotched fake tan, fake fingernails, greasy hair, and a hangover...Really? Stop kidding yourself!
  10. Not turn up to a shoot

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