Thursday, February 5, 2015

I’m A Natural!


A phrase when spoken by a wannabe model drives fear into the heart of any photographer.

However this post was inspired by a reasonably new model complaining to a photographer friend of mine, that although she had posed naturally for her photo session, because she disliked “posed” photographs, the results just did not look very natural at all, and nothing like the natural photographs she has seen of other models…she also went on to produce photos of several very well known and successful models posing naturally in jeans or swimsuits, seemingly strutting around the pool, champagne in hand, or leisurely reclining and sitting enjoying the sunshine and atmosphere.

Well the good news is, that these natural photographs are anything but: they are in fact the highly stylised, highly produced results of many years study, experience and practice on the part of both the photographer and model, and the expert professional work of whoever else was on the production team.

To be a good model requires years of dedication, and practice, and the art of looking natural and relaxed is a highly polished skill and craft

As with most endeavours artistic: it requires many years be to become an overnight success.

This is one of the many reasons why, despite what internet models claim, and fauxpros advocate, many hear the call, but few ever make the grade.

The sad fact is that most girls, not just wannabee models, when posing naturally look gauche, crass, uncomfortable, awkward, and downright ugly.

Even models, who supposedly have good figures, “ideal” proportions of arms, legs, head and other parts, and have been modelling long enough to know how to present their “best side” to a camera, can with a slight misplacement of a hand, a leg, or a twist of the neck, especially when posing for an unpractised, inexperienced or arrogantly motivated  “photographer”, change an attractive photograph into a gormless “selfie” styled snapshot.

Facebook, which supplies much of the impetus of “I wanna be a model”, “I could do as good as that no problem”…through thousands of pages of poor to very ordinary shots of lifeless girls peering at you through the lenses of oafish, talentless photographers (yes you are right to suppose that you will see very little good work here, and certainly no excellent artwork, and really nothing worth emulating, or to use the current vernacular of internet wannabees: no “inspirations” to “collaborate” on)

Over the years I have come across many aspiring models who really didn’t have a hope of ever succeeding, and a spattering of those who could have made it, but unfortunately were lacking in the one necessary thing: the single minded commitment to make their dream a reality.

To become a success therefore an aspiring, or even accomplished model needs at minimum four things:

  1. Dedication and a true willingness to listen, observe and learn, and humility to take direction and instruction, coupled with a good eye, and a knowledge of what makes a good photograph.
  2. A sense of self, which sublimates arrogance for the more important self knowledge: someone who takes pride in the appearance, and who keeps their work tools ( their body, nails, hair, skin, figure, muscle tone, makeup and clothing) in best condition, ready to work at any time.
  3. A large mirror, with which to practice and pose before, and to subjectively and objectively observe what poses actually look good, and even flatter, or achieve some kind of beauty of form, and to amplify the mistakes which the imagination, and overindulgence in friends admiration has previously told the model she looks great.
  4. A photographer is experienced in photography of models ( portraiture, and self indulgent dreams of the big-time are not enough), and who not only knows how to compose a good photograph, make a model look great, but can give expert direction and a certain amount of coddling mixed with determination to make that particular girl look at her best.


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Interesting Links:
My Photography Webpage
Facebook page for Professional Photographers and Models
The Definite Article Photography and Video on Facebook
My Pond 5 Page
The Definite Article at Publicise Me